My role in the process of creating the movie website 4.1

For my role in the process of making the website, I have been creating the layout for the website and I have been doing this by drawing out a little sketch on a piece of paper to give myself an idea of where I feel everything should go. I have also been looking at other movie website and looking at the way that their pages are laid out as a way to gain some sort of inspiration for how I could lay out my website in the best possible way. My other role in creating this website has been creating advertising through social media and for this role, I am going to be looking at how movies are advertised through social media and I will be looking at some various examples of some recent films that have come out to see how the film studios of these movies are promoting these films to gain money from their specified target audience. Then I will be creating my own advertising for this upcoming short film that we will be doing using some of the techniques that the professionals use.


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