T2 Judgement day soundtrack

Film scene: T-800 VS T-1000 Galleria Fight Scene Terminator 2 Judgement Day.

Music: The Tempo of the music in this scene starts off slow but tense. This is because at this point, the T-1000 is on the hunt for John Connor in a galleria centre whilst the T-800 is trying to protect John Connor yet John Connor is completely unaware of what is going on around him. The T-1000 is dressed as a police cop and is walking around trying to act like a police cop who is searching for John Connor as if he thinks John Connor has done something wrong rather than looking like he is trying to kill him at this point. The music in this section of the scene builds up tension and suspense yet it contrasts with making the T-1000 feel like an average cop who is looking around somewhat mysteriously. The soundtrack here consists of Drum beats that loop round slowly and quietly and Brad Friedel( Score Composer ) has chosen to do it this way because you know that the T-1000 is after John Connor but you aren’t quite sure specifically what he wants to do with him until he sees him. You see him showing a picture of John Connor to other kids in the Galleria asking them have they seen him but they haven’t yet established that he is actually a Terminator who was sent back in time to kill the future leader of the resistance. Now the music starts to build up as soon as the T-1000 sees John and John then realises that this cop is actually after him so he then runs into the hallway. The music speeds up a little bit because now John knows that the T-1000 is after him and it also builds up tension between the T-1000 and the T-800 because you see the T-800 walking through the doors so the audience thinks to themselves what does he want with John Connor? Is there something that the T-800 and the T-1000 both have in common? The soundtrack builds up but it doesn't really consist of very much usage of music. What this consists of is Drums and a Piano. The reason for this is so it creates more tension but it doesn’t at any point become distracting for the audience and instead keeps the audiences in the moment so they can sense both the danger that John Connor is in and also the tension that is building between the 2 terminators. Now when John sees the T-800 and the T-1000 the music starts to go into a little loop and it becomes a little bit dream like and it does this in order to get across what is going inside of John’s head. He doesn't know that the T-800 was actually sent back in time to protect him. He is just assuming by the looks of the T-800 that both he and the T-1000 are here to kill him in the moment when they are in the hallway and the T-800 and T-1000 put their guns towards him.

Incidental/Ambient sound: The mood of the sounds in this scene is intense and exciting. You are not just excited because you know that Arnold Schwarzenegger and the T-1000 are going to fight and it will eventually become a big action scene but the music also keeps the audience on the edge of their seat because it goes in a similar rhythm each time and it consistently builds up the mood of each shot and action.

Dialogue: The dialogue in this scene is kept to a minimum extend with about 12 lines of dialogue spoken between the characters. There is little talking when John realises that there is a cop after him because there is no time for him to stop and talk to somebody which keeps the action going at a fast pace. It also shows visual storytelling in which very little expository dialogue is being used and it conveys the ruthlessness of the 2 terminators in this scene. It also conveys the fact that they don't tend to show a lot of emotion because they are Robots from the future and so they function on doing certain tasks that Skynet sent them to do and don't necessarily show a lot of charisma. As for the pitch of the dialogue, it depends on which character you are talking about in this scene. For example, the T-1000 as the cop sounds calm but stern in order to seem more like a natural police cop whereas when the T-800 says Get Down he says it in a more serious and louder tone of voice because he knows that the T-1000 is about to kill John Connor and he is there to protect him.   


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