Physco Sound Analysis

This morning, we showed our Foley sound imitations of the shower scene in Alfred Hitchcock's horror classic Phsyco. Now I am going to be doing a little evaluation of what I was able to achieve.

Overall I felt the video was alright. Some things I felt went well. Other things I felt could have been improved.

I think that some of the usage of the screaming at times got very repetitive which took away from the suspense and realism of the scene. Same thing goes for the shower sound effects but there were very few options of sound choices to use in the area we got these sounds from which is why in the end I feel we should have done more internet research on these various audio effects. The sound kept going round in a loop which made it sound very unnatural and uncreative.

The sounds chosen sounded good enough and perfectly fitting for each scene they were needed but there was an over usage of the sound effects at times.

I think that the editing process went well because I knew how to use adobe premiere pro


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