Fashion and Design

This week, i have been doing Fashion and Design. Some of the things i have been doing for that are T- Shirt making and Designing fashion for models.

Some of the skills that i learnt were using Disperse Dies as water coloured paint, for example, painting the T-Shirt and putting it underneath a printing machine for it to be shown on the other side. I learnt how to use the water coloured paints and i also learnt how to stitch the T-Shirt together. I also learnt how to do reverse writing as well. I had to write Star Wars backwards so it came out the right way after printing.

The Methods i used for this were taking a little bit of the paint each time i felt i needed more paint for my sketch that i created first before i did the painting. Next up, I put it in the printing machine for about 1 minute and i then took it out. We would an extra piece of tissue paper on top so it would end up printing on the exact opposite side. We would then do some stitching to part of the T-Shirt and we would pin the T-Shirt onto a modelling statue for us to take an image.

For the other activity we did, we was working in a group and what we were doing was designing fashion for fashion models. The methods we used for this were we would cut out bits of Tesco shopping bags for example and we would cut them into different sections and pin them onto a modelling statue.


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